Frequently Asked Questions

How to Bid on BoxFox

Defining the Buy and Sell Prices

BoxFox takes the UPC's from the seller and searches various online marketplaces for that particular product. From these results, we provide you with product photos, sales rank, pricing information, and links to the item on sites like Amazon and eBay.

Please note that the "buy" and "sell" prices are suggested values from our appraisal tool.

Max Bidding

After you place a bid, simply set the maximum price you're willing to pay and BoxFox will automatically bid on your behalf if necessary (up to that amount). We'll notify you if your max bid is exceeded by another buyer.

To watch a 2-minute demo of the max bid tool, just click the video below:

For info about other steps in the process, take a look at our Buyer FAQ's. If you have any questions or feedback, just email us at support@boxfox.co or use the chat bar on our website.