Frequently Asked Questions

Exporting Inventory From Vend

Here's how to export an inventory list from Vend that can be used to upload inventory to BoxFox:

1) Once you've logged in to your Vend dashboard, navigate to 'Reporting', then to 'Inventory Reports'.

2) Click 'Export Data.' Vend will export your inventory list as a .csv file.

3. Open the .csv file. Depending on how your data is entered into Vend, your UPC data might be within the column titled 'SKU'. Highlight the entire 'SKU' column and format as 'Number'.

4) Delete all rows containing items you would like to exclude from your upload to BoxFox. You can also update quantities in the remaining rows, if you would like to include some, but not all, of your inventory counts of a specific item.

5) For BoxFox to properly recognize your items, you need to include UPC, title, quantity, and size (if applicable). Fields like brand, price, and cost are helpful as well. You can delete other columns from your spreadsheet that don't apply. Please make sure the UPC's you export are from the manufacturer (not your own store codes).

6) Update your column headers to ensure that your data is mapped properly when uploading to BoxFox. The following headers will need to be changed:


7) You can save your inventory list as a .CSV or Excel file. Before you do, please make sure your UPC's display properly within the spreadsheet. To help format your inventory data for BoxFox, you can download a template spreadsheet here. You can also access FAQ's for selling inventory on BoxFox.

If you have any questions, just email us at support@boxfox.co.